Mohammad Saad Rizwan: Strategy and Consulting Analyst at Accenture


What is your background/ experience with ISCG and what are you currently doing?

I studied Economics and Finance at UCD. I joined the ISCG in 2017. I had the pleasure of working with Sean Kilgarriff on the ‘Leading Ireland’s Future Together’ project advising them on the proposed structure of their youth advisory board, how to improve their fundraising and improve their current financing for their distributed content. I am currently a strategy and consulting analyst at Accenture. 

What did you enjoy most/find most beneficial about ISCG?

I enjoyed working with people learning their methodology on how to analyse and understand problems. Each problem can be looked at from a multitude of directions and perspectives and each can offer you a small part of the solution. Working collaboratively to piece this together to offer a start to end solution from the structure, marketing and the final distribution of materials. 

How do you think your experience with ISCG has helped you generally and/or in your career?

Working with the people in ISCG, helped develop my skills on case studies that are a core part of consulting interviews. The analytic skills have been useful on every client project, working to propose different structural changes while adapting to client demands as they develop a better understanding of their end goal through the consulting process. 

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